Become a Local Councillor: Make a difference
Watlington Parish Council provides, maintains or contributes to the following services: Allotments, leisure facilities, car parks, Youth Club, Children's Centre, recreation grounds and open spaces, public conveniences, street cleaning in the centre of the town, looks at traffic calming measures and more! The Council also works with our principal authorities Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) and South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) to ensure the effective delivery of services to the local community. It is your local Councillors, helped by the Clerk, who identify local needs and ensure delivery. Vacancies - April 2020There are currently vacancies for two councillors following resignations. If you would like to make a difference and be involved in shaping the future of the local community, why not talk to us to find out what it involves?
At this time when the community has come together to show mutual support for each other and for our local businesses, the Parish Council has been working hard in the background to provide the facilities to strengthen this mutual support. Would you like to join us as we start to prepare for the recovery that will certainly come as COVID-19 releases us from isolation. If you would like to chat about joining Watlington Parish Council or need any help feel free to contact Kristina Tynan, Parish Clerk, or any Councillor.
AuthorLatest news from Watlington Parish Council Archives
March 2022